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Starting a business is possibly one of the most difficult and challenging things you will do in your life. Make it easier with this course and avoid living up to the famous saying, "By failing to plan, you plan to fail". Join the many successful business people who started it all with a simple business plan.
"Learning with Online Courses Australia has been a fantastic experience for me. I have gained so much extra knowledge to further my career in the educational environment. They were extremely flexible and always extremely quick to reply with any questions I had. My tutor was always on board marking and giving me positive feedback for my assignments! Thanks OCA for making learning fun! " - Morgan
Plus you’ll learn what a business plan is, and its main components; the legal and administrative requirements of a business; the importance of a business name; goal setting objectives; growth strategies; business risks; marketing process; operations planning; the importance of human resources; and the purpose of financial planning.
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Delivered 100% online, no classroom required
Instant access (simply enrol online, anytime)
Assessments are short answer and multiple choice
Fast turnaround on marking (within 1 business day)
One on one mentor support
Live chat, 7 days a week
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*Cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer
Keen to get learning? Here’s a quick look at the content you can expect from this entrepreneur course:
*Cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer