Perhaps you have been delegated to make your workplace WHS compliant or identify potential hazards before assessing risks. This course will teach you crucial occupational health and safety measures for on-the-job implementation.

"I was a bit sceptical about using an online course I had only Googled, but they are fantastic! I have just completed my course and it was amazing! Learnt a lot and whenever I needed help, it was always there for me. Never had any dramas and everyone is very friendly. Give it a go, it’s worth it!" - Felicity
This course teaches you how to:
- Monitor and manage workplace health and safety (WHS)
- Identify hazards and assess risks.
- Assist with the creation of WHS policies and procedures.
- Generate procedures for controlling risk.
- Identify personal roles in WHS implementation
- Maintain WHS records.
Enrol now to get instant access to this course and start learning right away.
Why students love learning with us
We don't use dense academic text books. Instead, we design digestible step-by-step modules and high-quality video sessions, backed by 24/7 tutorial support. The lessons are all taught on demand, and assessments are generally short answer or multiple-choice and can be re-taken as many times as needed. They’re perfect for people with busy lives and families who want to better themselves while unlocking better opportunities.
We are CPD endorsed. Completing CPD-endorsed learning gives you CPD Points. These points are recognised by employers. You will receive evidence of your CPD points on your Course Completion Acknowledgement and digital badge issued by
100% online and on-demand
Enrol at any time and study on your own terms. Assessments are designed to improve comprehension rather than test the recall of facts in a timed setting.
Dedicated round-the-clock support
We're here to help, whenever and wherever you need it. Access expert support from a tutor by email or phone (Mon-Fri) or reach us on live chat, 7 days a week.
Real world, industry-led learning
Our courses are designed in collaboration with institutions, employers and industry experts to equip you with practical, real-world skills that will advance your career and broaden your mind.
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Course Delivery + Learner Support
Delivered 100% online, no classroom required
Instant access (simply enrol online, anytime)
Assessments are short answer and multiple choice
Fast turnaround on marking (within 1 business day)
One on one mentor support
Live chat, 7 days a week
Pre-Requisites and Important Information
Please check with your state department for the relevant "checks/permissions" that may be required to gain employment in this industry (I.E Blue card). This course is for professional development only, it does not provide you with any license/card.