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It is every child’s right to be safe and protected from all forms of abuse, violence or exploitation. This course will give you the skills and knowledge required to support and protect children and young people who are at risk of harm.
"I have done 9 years of Uni and professional studies and Rosie has been by far the best tutor I have had. Her efficiency with marking assignments and replying to emails is amazing - it's rare that I have had to wait more than 24 hours to hear back. She is incredibly helpful and happy to answer any questions, no matter how many I have. Her feedback is always really encouraging and motivating.
" - Sally
Throughout this course, you will learn how to implement practices that support the protection of children and young people, learn about the duty of care and the procedure for reporting suspected harm to a child. You will also learn how to apply ethical and nurturing practices with children and young people.
Enrol now to get instant access to this course and start learning right away.
Delivered 100% online, no classroom required
Instant access (simply enrol online, anytime)
Assessments are short answer and multiple choice
Fast turnaround on marking (within 1 business day)
One on one mentor support
Live chat, 7 days a week
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*Cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer
*Cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer